Biomagnetism works in the human body through the circulatory system, the nervous system, and the endocrine system.  Magnetism is continuously penetrating every known particle, right down to the atom.  Its ordering effect on living systems arises from the fact that magnetism is a blueprint of life itself.  All known energies have as a base this electromagnetic field.  The latest research indicates that magnetism has a very significant biological effect on human beings.

Dr. H.L. Bansel points out that magnetism increases the electrical conductivity of the blood.  Weak current runs through blood and the quantities of ions are increased.  The newly ionized blood circulating throughout the body can significantly contribute to the efficiency of the blood flow as well as having a stabilizing effect on both high and low blood pressure.

Blood contains ferrous hemoglobin (iron) that functions as a carrier of oxygen and carbon dioxide.   As the blood circulates in the lungs, fully magnetized ferrous hemoglobin is able to transport more oxygen to cell tissue as well as taking more carbon dioxide waste from the cell back to the lungs for removal.

Biomagnetism works to regulate and normalize hormone secretion in the glands.  It is currently believed that the increased electrical current being produced forms like a net around the glands and secretory ducts.  An extra concentration of oxygen stimulates production while the electrical net regulates optimum secretion. As a result, conditions caused by a lack of hormone secretion or a hormone imbalance are affected through normalizing the hormone functions within the body.  Hormones play a very important role in rejuvenation and in general energy levels while proper circulation ensures that the hormone level is evenly distributed to all parts of the body.

When magnetic "flux" (the north/south flow of a magnet) passes through tissue, a secondary current is created around the flux lines in the tissue cells.  This ionizes the protoplasm and rejuvenates the tissues by activating cell metabolism.  The function of the cell becomes strengthened as the cell metabolism responds to the bioelectrical currents initiated by the magnetic flux.  This current induces muscle spasms to decrease and the activated cell metabolism lowers inflammation in the tissue.  The increase of cellular metabolism aids in the regeneration as well as in new cell growth.

The negative pole energies of magnetism interfere with the nerve cell's ability to send pain impulses to the brain for the pain to be registered.  Blood cells have potassium in their center which has a positive bioelectric charge.  The nerve cell differs in an opposite way.   During a pain response, the outside switches to potassium with a positive bioelectric charge.  Through attraction, the negative pole charge of a magnet creates a "Blend" of the potassium's positive bioelectric charge as the natural flow of current is towards the negative pole.

As the use of biomagnetics in clinics around the world continues to increase, healers are seeing firsthand how natural magnetism promotes health and provides energy by eliminating disorder in the various biological systems.  Stimulating blood circulation and building new cells to rejuvenate the tissues of the body does this.  The biomagnetic effect on iron and oxygen in the body allows the hemoglobin active movement, thereby activating circulations in a remarkable way.  Ineffective and weakened blood cells are appropriately strengthened and more fresh, vital blood is pumped in the system.  With the respiratory exchange, improved and cellular metabolism activated to increase vitality, prevention and cure of disease become a natural conclusion.

Detailed Information about Magnetic Therapy

"Life developed under the influence of the earth's geomagnetic field.  We are surrounded by a sea of magnetism.  The human body, its individual organs and each of the millions of cells making up the organs and the body bathed by this sea are magnetically charged.  Cell regulation, tissue function and life itself are controlled by internal electromagnetic currents.  In disease states, these electromagnetic potentials are altered but fortunately can be favorably influenced by the external application of magnetics."  

"The earliest recorded use of magnets dates to 800 BC. Physicians in ancient Greece, Egypt, India and China described and practiced magnetic therapy and it was mentioned in the writings of Homer, Plato, and Aristotle.  Aesculapius is considered the founder of the healing arts.  All American physicians swear on his name when taking the Hippocratic Oath.  In his book Magnetic Therapy, Abbot George Burke explains that the ancient writings tell us Aesculapius healed mostly through the application of magnetism.    Science has established that magnetic energy passes through all material and affects all living things.  Magnetic fields surround the earth and protect all living things from harmful radiation.  They also influence man's behavior, mental function and physical energy."  

"Modern medicine is beginning to realize the potential value of using magnetic energy in the treatment of physical and mental disorders. In 1989, the FDA and the University of Tulsa jointly sponsored a conference on emerging electro-magnetic medical technology that attracted researchers, physicians and specialist from around the world.  Research for space exploration has produced important information on the human response to magnetic fields and pulsing magnetic frequencies.  NASA discovered that magnetic filed generators installed in manned space ships were essential in maintaining bone density and normal health fro the early astronauts.  They found that specific magnetic fields and frequencies produced certain biological responses.  The Earth's natural pulsing frequency of 7.96 Hz (cycles per second) reduces stress and encourages relaxation and sleep.  Deep restorative sleep is essential in achieving top physical and mental performance."

"Since 1978, the FDA has approved pulsed electromagnetic magnetic field treatment (PMF) for non-union bone fractures.  The treatment device is available by prescription only and is custom made for each patient, therefore, extremely costly.  A set of bar magnets using opposite Poles applied to either side of the fracture provides a similar effect as does the application of PMF treatment using a standard miniature device available off the shelf" 

"Robert J. Grace PhD in conjunction with Prof Irena Cosic, Mark Cohen, & the Bioelectronics group, Monash University, Australia, published the following report in March 1998 (Updated- Dec. 2000).  Biomagnetics For Pain Relief & Promotion Of Healing.  Pulsed magnetic fields have been used therapeutically for almost 70 years.  Only during the last 25 years has serious research and development work resulted in extremely low frequency pulsed electro-magnetic fields (ELF-PEMF).  Many medical devices now use this technology.  Most the these devices are modeled on the original design developed by Elec, a company from Germany.  This device uses power line frequency range of 1Hz to 100 Hz with electro-magnetic field strengths up to 100 Gauss.  These products have proved to be beneficial in bone fracture healing, circulation improvement and alleviation of pain, in many cases."

"Used correctly, Electro-Magnetic Energy Fields are a proven therapeutic modality.  Research and clinical experience has established that the very gentle, EULF, low power pulsed magnetic energy improves the repair of damaged tissue and reduction of pain, improved oxygen transport in the red blood cells, increased nutrient and oxygen uptake at the cellular level.  Greater elasticity of blood vessels, changes in acid/alkaline balance, altering of enzyme and hormone activity, all play an important role in the return to good health."

In his book The Body Electric Dr. Robert Becker observed "that an injury site registers South-positive immediately.  It changes to North-Negative during the healing process, indicating that a North-negative field promotes healing."

William Philpott M. D. explains the pH and calcium factors in his book, Cancer The Magnetic/Oxygen Answer.  Reduced ionized calcium plays a major role as a common denominator in degenerative disease, in addition to acidosis.  Reduced ionized calcium is not necessarily related to a lack of calcium in the diet.  It is more likely related to reactions to environment pollutants that cause an acid response on the body.  He states that calcium and other minerals can only remain in a soluble state in the presence of an alkaline medium.  In acid mediums they become insoluble.

Negative magnetic fields oxygenate and alkalize by aiding the body's defense against bacteria, fungi, and parasites, all of which thrive in an acid medium.  In degenerative diseases, calcium is found deposited around inflamed joints, bruised areas on the hell, and in bones and kidney stones.  Infections occur because they function well in an acidic, oxygen deficient state.

A negative magnetic field combats inflammation and infection and enables the body to resolve troublesome calcium and mineral deposits.

A negative magnetic field is effective in relieving pain due to its oxygenation and alkalinizing action.

A negative magnetic field enhances deep restorative sleep.  The pineal glad produces melatonin in the presence of a negative magnetic field.

Oxygen and water are paramagnetic and can carry a magnetic field to all parts of the body through blood circulation.

Dr. Philpott states that negative magnetic energy is capable of filling indented skin where a tumor has been.  He also reports that no scar tissue will form where a cancerous tumor is neutralized by North Pole magnetic energy.  The same magnetic energy field eliminates scar tissue formation when a cut heals.

Dr. Ken Wianako (Diplomat of the American Board of Chelation Therapy) said "Magnets have been scientifically proven to be able to assist the body regain its self- healing electromagnetic balance naturally.

"Clinical Trials completed in the USA.

Arthritic Pain:  In 1997, Dr. Carlos Valbona of the Baylor College of Medicine, published a study that reported 76% of treated patients using permanent magnets reported a decrease in arthritic joint and muscle pain compared to 19% of placebo patients.

Diabetic Foot Pain: Dr. Michael Weintraub of New York Medical College released a study that showed a significant rate of reduction in foot pain that afflicts millions of diabetics. Using magnetic insoles, nine out of ten diabetics reported a decrease in painful burning sensations, numbness and tingling compared to 22% reporting improvement in the placebo group.

Fibromyalgia:  Magnetic Mattress Pad Use in Patients with Fibromyalgia, A Randomized Double-blind Pilot Study, conducted by Agatha P. Colbert, M.D., Clinical Assistant Professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston, MA.  Conclusions were "Sleeping on a magnetic mattress pad provides statistically significant and clinically relevant pain relief and sleep improvement in subjects with Fibromyalgia. No adverse reactions were noted during the 16-week trial period."


 Medical Disclaimer

 Magnetic and Yoga Jewelry products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. No guarantee of product is made, effectiveness varies from person to person. Magnetic Therapy is not intended to replace any instruction, prescription or direction prescribed by your doctor. Not recommended for person wearing a pacemaker, defibrillator, or any other implanted electro-medical device or if you are pregnant. Keep magnets away from computer disks, videotapes, video monitors, credit cards and any other magnetic media.

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